Twentynine Palms Historical Society

The town of Twentynine Palms is a thriving, historic destination for travelers, locals and tourists located at 6760 National Park Dr, Twentynine Palms, CA 92277. The city has many cultural and historical attractions, including the Oasis of Mara, one of the best preserved desert oasis sites in the country. The community also hosts a variety of festivals and events, including the Old Timer of the Year Award. The program honors people who lived in the town for decades, whether they were pioneers or just everyday heroes.

Located in the oldest public building in the Morongo Basin, the Twentynine Palms Historical Society is dedicated to preserving the town's past. The museum's museum is located in the original one-room schoolhouse built in 1927. It is located along National Park Drive. The one-room building is the oldest public building in Twentynine. It was remodeled in 1990 and is now called the Old Schoolhouse Museum. The Campbell Family donated five acres of their land for the school and later renamed it the museum.

The Twentynine Palms Historical Society was formed in 1982. It has since expanded its focus to include the town's early history and its military history. In 1992, the Twentynine Pismo Historical Society acquired the city's original one-room schoolhouse and remodeled it into the Old Schoolhouse Museum. The goal of the Twentynine Pines Historical Association is to preserve and interpret the area's heritage. The group hosts educational lectures and publishes a quarterly newsletter Additional info.

The Twentynine Palms Historical Society is currently in the process of electing new officers for the year 2022. In addition to running a successful gift shop, the society also maintains a historic schoolhouse museum and a variety of other activities. The future of the nonprofit organization looks bright. And with a fresh slate, the future is bright for the future. You can join the board of directors and help make your community a better place. It's definitely worth the trip.

The historical society has a variety of events throughout the year. On February 11, the society's monthly Old Schoolhouse Lecture Series will take place. Admission is $5 at the door. The events are open to the public. The historic schoolhouse is also home to the Hastie Bus. Its history is part of the Morongo Basin's history. This museum houses the newspaper "Old Betsy" and is the oldest public building in the town.


The city of Twentynine Palms was first explored in 1855 by desert surveyor Colonel Henry Washington. Before the Spanish came, Native Americans lived in the area near a spring, called Mar-rah. The Oasis of Mara is the most popular camping spot in the town, and is adjacent to the Joshua Tree National Park headquarters. During this time, the town was a popular spot for prospectors.

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